NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle

From DNA to Protein

Crossword Puzzle on From DNA to Protein in NS Life Science

2. mutation in which one or more nucleotides become inserted into DNA.
5. process by which a polypeptide chain is assembled from amino acids in the order specified by an mRNA.
7. RNA RNA that carries a protein-building message.
12. process in which enzymes assemble an RNA using a strand of DNA as a template.
13. chromosomal DNA sequence that encodes an RNA or protein product.

1. in a tRNA, set of three nucleotides that base-pairs with an mRNA codon.
3. in an mRNA, a nucleotide base triplet that codes for an amino acid or stop signal during translation.
4. RNA RNA that delivers amino acids to a ribosome during translation.
6. RNA component of ribosomes.
8. nucleotide sequence that remains in an RNA after post-transcriptional modification.
9. mutation in which one or more nucleotides are lost.
10. in DNA, a sequence to which RNA polymerase binds.
11. nucleotide sequence that intervenes between exons and is removed during post-transcriptional modification.

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