NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle

DNA Structure

Crossword Puzzle on DNA Structure in NS Life Science ePrep course

3. having two of each type of chromosome characteristic of the species (2n).
4. type of protein that structurally organizes eukaryotic chromosomes.
6. order of nucleotides in a strand of DNA.
8. process by which cells become specialized during development;
10. image of an individual’s set of chromosomes arranged by size, length,
11. and centromere location.
13. a chromosome that is the same in males and females.• Centromere of a duplicated eukaryotic chromosome, constricted region where sister chromatids attach to each other.

1. a structure that consists of DNA and associated proteins; carries
2. permanent change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.
5. virus that infects bacteria.
7. or all of a cell’s genetic information.
9. a length of DNA wound twice around a spool of histone proteins.
12. short, single strand of DNA that base pairs with a targeted DNA
14. as different cells in an embryo begin to use different subsets of their DNA.

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