NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle

Plant Tissues

5. plant dermal tissue that replaces epidermis during secondary growth of eudicots and gymnosperms.
6. complex vascular tissue of plants; its living sieve elements compose sieve tubes that distribute sugars and other organic solutes.
9. in a plant root, a sheet of cells just outside the pericycle.
12. in plants, simple tissue composed of living cells with unevenly thickened walls; provides flexible support.
14. zone of continuously dividing undifferentiated parenchyma cells; all plant growth arises from divisions of meristem cells.

1. accumulated secondary xylem.
2. informal term for all living and dead tissues outside the ring of vascular cambium in woody plants.
3. dermal tissue; outermost layer of a young plant.
4. seed leaf of a flowering plant.
7. photosynthetic parenchyma.
8. outer layer of cells that can give rise to lateral roots.
10. in plants, simple tissue composed of cells that die when mature; their tough walls structurally support plant parts. Includes fibers, sclereids.
11. in plants, simple tissue composed of living cells with functions that depending on location.
12. tissue that waterproofs, insulates, and protects the surfaces of woody stems and roots.
13. complex vascular tissue of plants; cells walls of its dead tracheids and vessel elements distribute water and mineral ions

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