NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle



Crossword Puzzle on RELEASING CHEMICAL ENERGY NS Life Science ePrep course

1. three-carbon product of glycolysis.
3. fermentation anaerobic sugar breakdown pathway that produces ATP and lactate.
5. occurring in the absence of oxygen.
7. first stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation; set of reactions that convert glucose to two pyruvate for a net yield of two ATP and two NADH.
9. respiration oxygen-requiring metabolic pathway that breaks down sugars to produce ATP.
11. involving or occurring in the presence of oxygen.

2. fermentation anaerobic sugar breakdown pathway that produces ATP, CO2, and ethanol.
4. anaerobic glucose-breakdown pathway that produces ATP without use of an electron transfer chain.
6. respiration pathway that breaks down an organic molecule to form ATP and includes an electron transfer chain.
8. level_phosphorylation ATP formation by the direct of a phosphate group from a phosphorylated molecule to ADP.
10. acid_cycle cyclic pathway that harvests energy from acetyl–CoA; part of aerobic respiration.

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