NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle

The Science of Biology
Crossword Puzzle on SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY in NS Life Science ePrep course

3. an individual that consists of one or more cells.
4. substance that an organism acquires from the environment to support growth and survival.
5. all regions of Earth where organisms live.
7. all populations of all species in a defined area.
8. in multicelled organisms, a structure that consists of tissues engaged in a collective task.
9. organism that makes its own food using energy and nonbiological raw materials from the environment.
10. a community interacting with its environment.
12. a claim, argument, or method that is presented as if it were scientific, but is not.
14. naming and classifying species in a systematic way.
15. group of single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus but are more closely related to eukaryotes than to bacteria.
19. unique type of organism.
20. common term for a eukaryote that is not a plant, animal, or fungus.
21. single-celled or multicelled eukaryotic consumer that breaks down material outside itself then absorbs nutrients released from the breakdown.
22. group of organisms that share a unique set of traits.

1. a group of species that share a unique set of traits.
2. two or more atoms bonded together.
6. single-celled organism without a nucleus.
9. statement, based on a hypothesis, about a condition that should exist if the hypothesis is correct.
11. process in which an organism keeps their internal conditions within tolerable ranges by sensing and responding appropriately to change.
13. organism whose cells characteristically have a nucleus.
16. smallest unit of life.
17. in multicelled organisms, specialized cells organized in a pattern that allows them to perform a collective function.
18. in multicelled species, an increase in the number, size, and volume of cells.

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