NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle


Crossword Puzzle on sensory perception in NS Life Science ePrep course

2. retinal region where cone cells are most concentrated.
4. adjustable opening that allows light into a camera eye.
8. sensory receptor that responds to pressure, position, or acceleration.
10. cell photoreceptor that is active in dim light; provides coarse perception of image and detects motion.
11. pain-relieving chemical made by the body.
13. disk-shaped structure that bends light rays so they fall on an eye’s photoreceptors.
17. sensory receptor that responds to light.

1. sensory receptor that responds to a chemical.
3. detection of light in a way that provides a mental image of objects in the environment.
4. the meaning a brain derives from a sensation.
5. temperature-sensitive sensory receptor.
6. coiled, fluid-filled structure in the inner ear that holds the mechanoreceptors involved in hearing.
7. clear, protective covering at the front of a vertebrate eye; helps focus light on the retina.
9. detection of a stimulus.
12. perception of tissue injury.
14. chemical that is released by one individual and affects another member of the same species.
15. photoreceptor-containing layer of tissue in an eye.
16. circular muscle that adjusts the shape of the pupil to regulate how much light enters the eye.

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