Engineering Mathematics – Calculus

e-Prep Course

Summary of Contents

Engineering Mathematics – Calculus e-Prep course 

Based on the textbook Calculus by Stewart, 9th Edition.


Diagnostic Tests

The book begins with four diagnostic tests, in Basic Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Functions, and Trigonometry. 

A Preview of Calculus

This is an overview of the subject and includes a list of questions to motivate the study of calculus.


1 Functions and Limits

From the beginning, multiple representations of functions are stressed:  verbal, numerical, visual, and algebraic. A discussion of mathematical models leads to a review of the standard functions from these four points of view. The material on limits is motivated by a prior discussion of the tangent and velocity problems. Limits are treated from descriptive, graphical, numerical, and algebraic points of view. The precise epsilon-delta definition of a limit is an optional section.

2 Derivatives

The material on derivatives is covered in two sections to give students more time to get used to the idea of a derivative as a function. The examples and exercises explore the meanings of derivatives in various contexts. Higher derivatives.

3 Applications of Differentiation

The basic facts concerning extreme values and shapes of curves are deduced from the Mean Value Theorem. Graphing with technology emphasizes the interaction between calculus and calculators and the analysis of families of curves. Some substantial optimization problems are provided, including an explanation of why you need to raise your head 42° to see the top of a rainbow.

4 Integrals

The area problem and the distance problem serve to motivate the definite integral, with sigma notation introduced as needed. (Full coverage of sigma notation is provided in Appendix E.) Emphasis is placed on explaining the mearings of integrals in various contexts and on estimating their values from graphs and tables.

5 Applications of integration

Here I present the applications of integration—area, volume, work, average value—that can reasonably be done without specialized techniques of integration. General methods are emphasized, The goal is for students to be able to divide a quantity into small pieces, estimate with Riemann sums, and recognize the limit as an integral.

6 Inverse Functions:  Exponential, Logarithmic, and Inverse Trigonometric Functions

As discussed more fully on page xiv, only one of the two treatments of these functions needs is covered. Exponential growth and decay are covered in this chapter.

7 Techniques of Integration

All the standard methods are covered but, of course, the real challenge is to be able to recognize which technique is best used in a given situation. 

8 Further Applications of Integration

Here are the applications of integration—arc length and surface area—for which it is useful to have available all the techniques of integration, as well as applications to biology, economics, and physics (hydrostatic force and centers of mass). 

9 Differential Equations

Modeling is the theme that unities this introductory treatment of differential equations. Direction fields and Euler’s method are studied before separable and linear equations are solved explicitly, so that qualitative, numerical, and analytic approaches are given equal consideration. These methods are applied to the exponential, logistic, and other models for population growth. The first four or five sections of this chapter serve as a good introduction to first-order differential equations. An optional final section uses predator-prey models to illustrate systems of differential equations.

10 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

This chapter introduces parametric and polar curves and applies the methods of calculus to them. Parametric curves are well suited to laboratory projects; the two presented here involve families of curves and Bézier curves. A brief treatment of conic sections in polar coordinates prepares the way for Kepler’s Laws in Chapter 13.

11 Infinite Sequences and Series

The convergence tests have intuitive justifications as well as formal proofs. Numerical estimates of sums of series are based on which test was used to prove convergence, The emphasis is on Tayler series and polynomials and their applications to physics. Error estimates include those from graphing devices.

12 Vectors and the Geometry of Space

Vectors, the dot and cross products, lines, planes, and surfaces.

13 Vector Functions

Vector-valued functions, their derivatives and integrals, the length and curvature of space curves, and velocity and acceleration along space curves, culminating in Kepler’s laws,

14 Partial Derivatives

Functions of two or more variables are studied from verbal, numerical, visual, and algebraic points of view. In particular, I introduce partial derivatives by looking at a specific column in a table of values of the heat index ‘perceived air temperature) as a function of the actual temperature and the relative humidity.

15 Multiple Integrals

Contour maps and the Midpoint Rule are used to estimate the average snowfall and average temperature in given regions. Double and triple integrals are used to compute probabilities, surface areas, and (in projects) volumes of hyperspheres and volumes of intersections of three cylinders. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates are introduced in the context of evaluating triple integrals.

16 Vector Calculus

Vector fields are introduced through pictures of velocity fields showing San Francisco Bay wind patterns. The similarities among the Fundamental Theorem for line integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem are emphasized.

17 Second-Order Differential Equations

Since first-order differential equations are covered in Chapter 9, this final chapter deals with second-order linear differential equations, their application to vibrating springs and electric circuits, and series solutions.

Illustrative videos complement the textbook. An example video lesson is shown below.