Life Science

NS ePrep Course

Learning Objectives

Chapter 1 Invitation to Biology

  • Describe the successive levels of life’s organization.
  • Explain the idea of emergent properties and give an example.
  • Distinguish producers from consumers.
  • Explain why homeostasis is important for sustaining life.
  • Explain how DNA is the basis of similarities and differences among organisms.
  • List two characteristics of prokaryotes.
  • Name the four main groups of eukaryotes.
  • Explain how organisms are named in the Linnaean system.
  • Describe the way species are classified in taxa.
  • List the taxa from species to domain.
  • Describe the “biological species concept” and explain its limitations.
  • Describe critical thinking and give some examples of how to do it.
  • Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.
  • Use suitable examples to explain dependent and independent variables.
  • Explain how a control group is used in an experiment.
  • List the tasks that are part of the scientific method.
  • Give an example, real or hypothetical, of an experiment in which a dependent variable is affected by an independent variable.
  • Explain why it is risky to draw generalizations from a subset.
  • Name some ways that researchers minimize sampling error and bias.
  • Describe statistical significance.
  • Discuss some areas of inquiry that science does not address.

Chapter 2 Life’s Chemical Basis

  • Use an example to explain why we say that an atom is the smallest unit of a substance.
  • Explain the difference between an atom and an element.
  • Describe the properties of a radioisotope.
  • Using an example, describe the shell model.
  • Use the concept of vacancies to explain the chemical activity of atoms.
  • Describe ions and give an example.
  • Explain the property of free radicals that makes them dangerous.
  • Describe a chemical bond.
  • Distinguish between ionic and covalent bonds.
  • Use ionic bonds to explain polarity.
  • Write the structural formula for a molecule of water.
  • Use appropriate examples to distinguish between polar and nonpolar covalent bonds.
  • Draw a hydrogen bond between two water molecules.
  • Describe the way an ionic solid dissolves in water.
  • Distinguish between hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain how hydrogen bonding gives rise to three properties
  • Define pH and give some examples.
  • Differentiate between acids and bases.
  • Explain how buffers maintain the pH of solutions.
  • Use an example to explain why pH stability is important in biological systems.

Chapter 3 Molecules of Life

  • Use appropriate examples to describe functional groups.
  • Explain why biological molecules are modeled in different ways.
  • Explain how the molecules of life are polymers.
  • Give an example of a metabolic reaction.
  • Describe the structure of carbohydrates and explain their roles in cells.
  • Using an example, explain how the structure of a polysaccharide gives rise to its function.
  • Name the function that glycogen serves in the human body.
  • Describe a fat, and identify the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats.
  • Explain why a phospholipid is both hydrophilic and hydrophobic.
  • Describe the lipid bilayer.
  • Give one example of a molecule that is made from cholesterol.
  • Draw the generalized structure of an amino acid, and a peptide bond that connects them in proteins.
  • List a few functions of proteins.
  • Using examples, describe the four levels of protein structure.
  • Describe protein denaturation and its effects.
  • Using an appropriate example, explain why changes in protein structure can be dangerous.
  • Describe the structure of a nucleotide and the general structure of a nucleic acid.

Chapter 4 Cell Structure

  • List the four generalizations that constitute cell theory.
  • Describe the three components that all cells have.
  • Explain how the surface-to-volume ratio limits cell size.
  • Explain how a light microscope works.
  • Describe the use of fluorescent dyes in microscopy.
  • Explain the difference between a transmission electron micrograph (TEM) and a scanning electron micrograph (SEM).
  • Describe some of the structures shared by bacteria and archaea.
  • Explain the difference between bacterial and archaeal cell walls.
  • Distinguish between a prokaryotic flagellum and a pilus.
  • Describe a biofilm and explain how it benefits its inhabitants.
  • Identify some cellular components unique to eukaryotes.
  • Explain the function of membranes that enclose organelles.
  • List the functions of the cell nucleus and explain how these functions arise from its structure.
  • List the main components of the endomembrane system.
  • Name some different types of vesicles and describe their functions.
  • Explain the differences between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Describe the function of Golgi bodies.
  • Explain the function of mitochondria in eukaryotic cells.
  • Describe the structure of a mitochondrion.
  • Describe the structure of chloroplasts.
  • Explain the function of chloroplasts and amyloplasts.
  • Using appropriate examples, name three types of cytoskeletal elements and explain their function.
  • With examples, describe how motor proteins move cell parts.
  • Describe the movement of eukaryotic cilia and flagella and how this movement arises.
  • Describe an extracellular matrix of plants.
  • Explain the function of basement membrane.
  • Explain the functions of the three major types of cell junctions in animals.
  • Describe a plasmodesma.
  • Explain why it is difficult to define “life.”
  • List some of the properties that are associated with living systems.

Chapter 5 Ground Rules of Metabolism

  • Describe entropy in terms of chemical bonding.
  • Compare kinetic energy with potential energy.
  • Use the first and second laws of thermodynamics to explain why the total amount of energy available for doing work in the universe always decreases.
  • Explain chemical bond energy.
  • Distinguish between endergonic and exergonic reactions.
  • Describe activation energy.
  • Explain how cells store and harvest energy using chemical reactions.
  • Explain enzyme specificity.
  • Describe four ways that enzymes speed reactions.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain how environmental factors affect enzyme activity.
  • Describe metabolic pathways.
  • Use an example to explain how cells can control enzyme activity.
  • Describe how feedback inhibition affects a metabolic pathway.
  • Explain the role of redox reactions in electron transfer chain
  • Explain the difference between cofactors and coenzymes.
  • Give some examples of cofactors, and also of mechanisms by which cofactors affect enzyme function.
  • Describe phosphorylation and give an example.
  • Explain why we say ATP is an important currency in a cell’s energy economy.
  • Describe the structure of a lipid bilayer.
  • Explain the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes.
  • Identify a unique property of archaeal cell membranes.
  • List the functions of four common types of membrane proteins.
  • Name five factors that influence the rate and direction of diffusion.
  • Describe tonicity and how it determines the direction of osmosis.
  • Explain the relationship between turgor and osmotic pressure.
  • Explain why a cell requires transport proteins in its plasma membrane.
  • Describe the way transport proteins selectively move molecules across membranes, and give an example.
  • Using appropriate examples, distinguish between passive transport and facilitated diffusion.
  • Explain why active transport requires an energy input and passive transport does not.
  • Identify and explain the process by which cells expel materials in bulk.
  • Explain how a vesicle forms at the plasma membrane.
  • Explain the mechanism by which cells sample extracellular fluid.
  • Describe the way cells take in and digest large particles.

Chapter 6 Where It Starts—Photosynthesis

  • Explain why we say that photosynthesis feeds most life on Earth.
  • Describe the structure of the thylakoid membrane.
  • Write an equation that summarizes the overall pathway of photosynthesis.
  • Summarize Theodor Engelmann’s photosynthesis experiment.
  • Describe the relationship between a photon’s wavelength and its energy.
  • Explain how a pigment absorbs light.
  • Name the main photosynthetic pigment in plants.
  • Describe what happens when a pigment that is part of a light-harvesting complex absorbs light.
  • Explain the process of electron transfer phosphorylation.
  • Compare the cyclic and noncyclic light-dependent reactions.
  • Describe energy flow in the noncyclic light-dependent reactions.
  • Explain the evolutionary advantages of the noncyclic pathway.
  • State the role of carbon fixation in photosynthesis.
  • Explain how coenzymes connect the light-dependent reactions with the Calvin–Benson cycle.
  • Describe stomata and their function.
  • Explain why photorespiration makes sugar production inefficient.
  • Explain how C4 and CAM plants minimize photorespiration.

Chapter 7 Releasing Chemical Energy

  • Compare the processes of cellular respiration and fermentation.
  • Write an equation that summarizes glycolysis.
  • Explain the difference between substrate-level phosphorylation and electron transfer phosphorylation.
  • Describe the transfer of energy in glycolysis.
  • Summarize the breakdown of pyruvate in acetyl–CoA formation and the citric acid cycle.
  • Explain why aerobic respiration releases CO2.
  • Describe the movement of energy during acetyl–CoA formation and the citric acid cycle.
  • Describe ATP formation in the last stage of aerobic respiration.
  • Explain why aerobic respiration requires O2.
  • Describe ATP formation in fermentation pathways.
  • List some commercial uses of alcoholic and lactate fermentation.
  • Explain why fermentation, unlike aerobic respiration, requires no oxygen.
  • Explain how cells convert energy in an organic compound to energy in ATP.
  • Describe how different kinds of organic molecules are broken down in aerobic respiration.

Chapter 8 DNA Structure and Function

  • Describe the four properties required of any genetic material.
  • Summarize the classic experiments of Griffith, Avery, and Hershey and Chase that demonstrated DNA is genetic material.
  • Summarize the events that led to the discovery of DNA’s structure.
  • Identify the subunits of DNA and how they differ from one another.
  • Describe the structure of a DNA molecule.
  • Describe base pairing.
  • Explain how DNA holds information.
  • Describe the way DNA is organized in a chromosome.
  • Explain how a eukaryotic cell’s chromosomes carry its genetic information.
  • Explain the meaning of diploid.
  • Distinguish between autosomes and sex chromosomes.
  • State the purpose of DNA replication and describe the process.
  • Explain the role of primers in DNA replication.
  • Describe nucleic acid hybridization.
  • Explain semiconservative replication.
  • Explain why DNA replication proceeds only in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
  • Using examples, explain how mutations can arise.
  • Describe two cellular mechanisms that can prevent mutations from occurring.
  • Discuss the role of DNA in the continuity of life.
  • Explain how and why clones are produced from a single body cell.
  • Describe differentiation.

Chapter 9 From DNA to Protein

  • Compare the components and structure of DNA and RNA molecules.
  • Explain how the function of RNA differs from the function of DNA.
  • Describe the basic structure of a gene.
  • Explain the flow of information during gene expression.
  • Describe the process of transcription.
  • Compare DNA replication with transcription.
  • Explain three types of post-transcriptional modifications to RNA.
  • Describe codons and their function.
  • Explain the signals that start and stop translation.
  • Explain how an mRNA specifies the order of amino acids in a polypeptide.
  • Summarize the role of rRNA and tRNA in translation.
  • Explain the roles of mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA in translation.
  • Describe the way a polypeptide is synthesized during translation.
  • Describe three types of mutations.
  • Explain how mutations can affect protein structure.
  • Using an example, explain why some mutations are not harmful.

Chapter 10 Control OF Gene Expression

  • Explain gene expression control and why it is necessary.
  • Use examples to describe transcription factors.
  • List the points of control over expression of a gene that has a protein product.
  • Describe the role of master regulators in embryonic development.
  • Give an example of a homeotic gene and explain its function.
  • Using an appropriate example, explain why homeotic genes offer evidence of shared ancestry.
  • Explain how adjustments to gene expression affect the form and function of male and female mammals.
  • Explain circadian rhythms in terms of gene expression.
  • Use the lac operon as an example to describe one way that bacteria regulate gene expression.
  • Explain why most human adults are lactose intolerant.
  • Explain why a DNA methylation is passed to all of a cell’s descendants.
  • List some environmental factors that can affect an individual’s DNA methylation patterns.

Chapter 11 How Cells Reproduce

  • Describe the main events in the eukaryotic cell cycle.
  • Explain why we say mitosis maintains the chromosome number.
  • Distinguish sister chromatids from homologous chromosomes.
  • Identify two body processes that occur by mitosis.
  • Describe the purpose of cell cycle checkpoints.
  • List the main events that occur during each stage of mitosis.
  • Describe the role of microtubules in nuclear division.
  • Explain how mitosis packages two complete sets of chromosomes into two new nuclei.
  • Explain why cytokinesis is a necessary part of the cell cycle.
  • Describe and compare cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.
  • Describe the relationship between telomeres and senescence.
  • Explain why normal body cells are not immortal.
  • Describe the fail-safe function of a cell division limit.
  • Explain why mutations can give rise to neoplasms.
  • Use an example to describe tumor suppressors.
  • Describe some hallmarks of malignant cells.

Chapter 12 Meiosis and Sexual rRproduction

  • Describe alleles and why they occur on homologous chromosomes of sexual reproducers.
  • Explain why sexual reproduction requires meiosis.
  • Explain the steps of meiosis in a diploid (2n) cell.
  • Describe the major differences between meiosis I and meiosis II.
  • Describe crossing over and how it introduces variation in traits among the offspring of sexual reproducers.
  • Explain the random nature of chromosome segregation in gamete formation, and its significance in terms of variation in traits.
  • Describe the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis II.
  • Offer evidence in support of the hypothesis that meiosis evolved from mutations in the process of mitosis.

Chapter 13 Observing Patterns in Inherited Traits

  • Explain Gregor Mendel’s contribution to the study of inheritance.
  • Describe the difference between a homozygous and heterozygous genotype, and represent each symbolically with an example.
  • Use an example to describe dominant and recessive alleles.
  • Describe the way a Punnett square is used.
  • Explain how a testcross can reveal the genotype of an individual with a dominant trait.
  • State the law of segregation in modern terms.
  • With a suitable example, explain how to make a dihybrid cross.
  • State the law of independent assortment in modern terms.
  • Explain why the relative location of two genes on a chromosome can affect the way their alleles are distributed into gametes.
  • Using the human blood groups as an example, explain codominance and multiple allele systems.
  • Use an example to describe incomplete dominance.
  • Explain the difference between epistasis and pleiotropy.
  • Describe some environmental effects that affect an individual’s phenotype by altering gene expression.
  • Discuss the influence of an individual’s environment on expression of genes associated with behavior.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain continuous variation and its causes.

Chapter 14 Chromosomes and Human Inheritance

  • Explain why pedigrees are used to study human inheritance patterns.
  • Differentiate between a genetic disorder and a genetic abnormality.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain and diagram the autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance patterns.
  • Diagram the X-linked recessive inheritance pattern.
  • Explain why X-linked recessive disorders are more common in males than in females.
  • Describe the main types of large-scale structural changes in chromosomes, and explain their potential consequences.
  • List some causes of structural changes in chromosomes.
  • Give an example of structural change that has occurred in chromosomes during evolution.
  • Distinguish between polyploidy and aneuploidy.
  • Explain nondisjunction.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe some health effects of changes in chromosome number in humans.
  • Explain how early genetic screening can help a baby.

Chapter 15 Studying and Manipulating Genomes

  • Describe restriction enzymes and explain why their discovery was important for DNA research.
  • List the steps involved in making recombinant DNA.
  • Explain the process of DNA cloning, and why researchers clone cDNA.
  • Describe two ways of mass-producing a targeted section of DNA.
  • Differentiate between a genomic library and a cDNA library.
  • Explain the use of a probe in screening a DNA library.
  • Describe how the sequence of DNA is determined.
  • Explain the concept of electrophoresis.
  • Describe the Human Genome Project.
  • Describe some applications of genomics.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain how individuals can be identified by their DNA.
  • Differentiate between a GMO and a transgenic organism.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe some of the ways that genetically engineered microorganisms are used.
  • Describe safety measures put in place for genetic modification.
  • Describe a method of making transgenic plants.
  • Describe some of the ways that genetically engineered plants are used.
  • Describe some transgenic animals and their uses.
  • Explain some ethical concerns regarding engineered animals.
  • Explain gene therapy and some of its benefits and risks.
  • Give an example of a gene drive, and describe how it works.

Chapter 16 Evidence of Evolution

  • Using appropriate examples, explain how three types of observations of the natural world challenged traditional belief systems in the 1800s.
  • Explain evolution by natural selection and the ideas that led Darwin to propose this hypothesis.
  • Describe the relationship between an evolutionary adaptation and fitness.
  • Give examples of information that fossils provide about past life.
  • Explain fossilization and why fossils are relatively rare.
  • Describe the kinds of evidence about the history of life that can be found in sedimentary rock formations.
  • Describe some geologic features that form as a result of plate tectonics, and explain how these features arise.
  • Explain how researchers determine the age of ancient materials.

Chapter 17 Processes of Evolution

  • Using appropriate examples, explain variation in shared traits among individuals of a species.
  • Differentiate between a lethal mutation and a neutral mutation.
  • Explain allele frequency.
  • Describe microevolution.
  • Explain genetic equilibrium, and list the conditions necessary for it to occur.
  • Use an example to describe how genetic equilibrium can be used as a benchmark.
  • Describe three patterns of natural selection.
  • Use examples to explain how natural selection drives microevolution.
  • Explain how a change in the environment can favor a mutation that had previously been neutral or even somewhat harmful.
  • Use examples to explain sexual selection and its outcomes.
  • Describe two ways that a balanced polymorphism can be maintained.
  • Explain why a harmful allele can persist at high frequency in a population.
  • With suitable examples, explain how mechanisms that do not involve adaptive traits can change allele frequency.
  • Explain why smaller populations are more vulnerable to the loss of genetic diversity.
  • Describe the way gene flow stabilizes allele frequency.
  • Describe speciation in terms of reproductive isolation.
  • Using suitable examples, explain reproductive isolation.
  • Describe some models of speciation and give examples of each.
  • Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution.
  • Use examples to describe some patterns of macroevolution.

Chapter 18 Organizing Information about Species

  • Distinguish between a character and a derived character.
  • Describe cladistics and compare it to Linnaean taxonomy.
  • Describe how body form and function can offer clues about evolutionary history.
  • Distinguish between divergent and convergent evolution.
  • Use examples to explain the difference between analogous structures and homologous structures.
  • Explain why similarities between protein sequences (or between DNA sequences) can be used as a measure of relative relatedness.
  • Explain why similarities in patterns of embryonic development can be used as a measure of relative relatedness.
  • 6.1 – Use examples to describe some applications of phylogeny.

Chapter 19 Life’s Origin and Early Evolution

  • Explain what study of ancient rocks has revealed about conditions on the early Earth.
  • Describe how scientists have tested the hypothesis that simple organic molecules could have formed on the early Earth.
  • List three locations where the building blocks of Earth’s first life may have formed.
  • List the proposed steps that led to the first cellular life.
  • Explain the RNA world hypothesis.
  • Describe the properties of laboratory-produced protocells.
  • List the probable traits of LUCA, the last common ancestor of all life.
  • Describe the oldest fossils of early life and the environments in which these fossil cells lived.
  • Explain what caused the increase in oxygen in Earth’s air and waters.
  • Describe how the increase in oxygen affected the existing organisms and how it set the stage for the later movement of life onto land.
  • Describe the likely origins of the eukaryotic nucleus, endomembrane system, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.

Chapter 20 Viruses, Bacteria, and Archaea

  • List the components shared by all free viral particles (virions).
  • Explain the difference between enveloped viruses and non-enveloped (naked) viruses.
  • Describe the structure of a bacteriophage.
  • List the step common to all viral replication pathways.
  • Explain the difference between the two bacteriophage replication pathways.
  • Describe how HIV replicates.
  • List some common diseases caused by viruses.
  • Describe the ways that viruses can spread between hosts.
  • Explain what an emerging disease is and give an example.
  • Explain how new strains of flu arise.
  • Describe some of the structural traits shared by bacteria and archaea.
  • Explain how prokaryotic cells reproduce.
  • Describe the three processes of horizontal gene transfer.
  • List the four modes of nutrition used by bacteria.
  • Explain the function of endospores.
  • Describe the process of nitrogen fixation and explain its ecologic importance.

Chapter 21 Protists—the Simplest Eukaryotes 

  • Explain why protists are not considered a clade.
  • Compare primary endosymbiosis and secondary endosymbiosis.
  • Describe the two modes of nutrition in protists.
  • Explain the metabolic trait that differentiates diplomonads and parabasalids from other excavate protists.
  • Give three examples of medically important excavate protists.
  • Compare the structure of a trypanosome and a euglenid.
  • Compare the structure of diatoms and kelps.
  • List some commercial products derived from stramenopiles.
  • Explain how water molds differ from true fungal molds.
  • Describe the importance of water molds as pathogens.
  • Compare the structure and means of locomotion of ciliates and dinoflagellates.
  • Describe the life cycle of the apicomplexan that causes malaria.
  • Compare the structure of foraminifera and radiolarians.
  • Explain how rhizarians feed.
  • List the types of rocks that form from rhizarian remains.
  • Explain the relationship between red algae, green algae, and land plants.
  • Describe the life cycle of the red alga Porphyra.
  • List some human uses of archaeplastids.

Chapter 22 The Land Plants

  • Explain when land plants evolved and the earliest evidence for these plants.
  • List the traits that land plants share with green algae in general and with charophyte algae in particular.
  • Explain the trait that defines land plants as a distinct lineage.
  • Describe the alternation of generations in land plants.
  • Explain the challenges plants faced as they moved from water onto land and evolutionary changes that occurred as a result of those challenges.
  • List the three lineages of bryophytes and the traits that they share.
  • Explain why there are no tree-sized bryophytes.
  • Describe the life cycle of a moss.
  • List and describe the major groups of seedless vascular plants.
  • Describe the fern life cycle.
  • Describe the types of plants that lived in a Carboniferous coal forest, and explain how coal forms.
  • Explain how the reproductive traits of seed plants give them an advantage over seedless plants in dry habitats.
  • Compare the function of megaspores and microspores in the seed plant life cycle, and explain where each type of spore forms.
  • Discuss how the evolution of wood provided an advantage to seed plants.   
  • Explain the origin of the name “gymnosperm.”
  • Using appropriate examples, discuss the diversity of forms among gymnosperm lineages.
  • List distinguishing traits of conifers and describe their life cycle.
  • Describe the components of a flower and their functions.
  • Explain how endosperm forms and its function.
  • Discuss how components of a flower give rise to fruits and seeds.
  • List the factors that contributed to the success of angiosperms.
  • Compare the traits of monocots and eudicots.
  • Describe the ways in which humans benefit from angiosperms.

Chapter 23 Fungi

  • Explain how fungi are similar to and different from plants and animals.
  • Describe the structure of multi-celled fungi.
  • Explain how fungi meet their nutritional needs.
  • Explain why chytrids are considered an ancient fungal group.
  • Describe the trait that distinguishes chytrids.
  • Describe the growth and reproduction of a zygote fungus.
  • Explain how a microsporidian infects a host cell.
  • Describe the structure of a glomeromycete fungus.
  • Describe the variety of growth forms in sac fungi.
  • Explain the function of a sac fungus ascocarp and how this structure forms.
  • Describe the club fungus life cycle.
  • Compare the length of the dikaryotic phase in club fungi, sac fungi, and zygote fungi.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the ways that fungi can benefit and harm plants and animals.
  • Describe the effects of two types of fungal infections common in humans.
  • List some of the ways that humans use fungi.

Chapter 24 Animal Evolution— the Invertebrates

  • List the features common to all animals.
  • Describe some of the ways in which animal body plans can vary.
  • Explain the colonial theory of animal origins.
  • Discuss what the fossil record reveals about early animal evolution.
  • List environmental and biological factors that may have encouraged an adaptive radiation during the Cambrian period.
  • Describe the types of cells in a sponge body, and explain how they work together to keep the animal alive.
  • Explain how sponges reproduce sexually.
  • Describe how sponges can reproduce asexually and their capacity to regenerate.
  • Compare and contrast the medusa and polyp body plans.
  • Discuss how cnidarians capture, ingest, and digest their food.
  • Describe two colonial cnidarians.
  • Compare the structural organization and symmetry of a flatworm with that of a cnidarian.
  • Explain how nutrients and gases are distributed through a flatworm’s body.
  • Describe the life cycle of a tapeworm.
  • Describe the annelid circulatory system.
  • Describe the features of the three subgroups of annelids.
  • List the structures you would see in a cross section through an earthworm, and explain their functions.
  • Describe the developmental trait that unites annelids and mollusks.
  • Explain the structure and functions of the mollusk mantle.
  • Using appropriate examples, name the four mollusk groups and discuss the traits that define them.
  • Compare an open circulatory system with a closed circulatory system, and note which groups of mollusks have each.
  • Describe the roundworm body plan.
  • Explain why roundworms are used as models in scientific studies.
  • Describe the ecological roles played by roundworms.
  • Describe the features that have contributed to the success of the arthropods.
  • List the living arthropod subgroups and the features of each group.
  • Using appropriate examples, discuss the ecological roles of arthropods and their economic and health effects on humans.

Chapter 25 Animal Evolution—the Vertebrates

  • List the four traits that define chordates.
  • Describe the two groups of invertebrate chordates, and draw a tree showing how they relate to one another and to vertebrates.
  • Explain how an endoskeleton differs from an exoskeleton.
  • Describe the traits common to all fishes.
  • Compare the body plan of a lamprey and a shark.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the two lineages of bony fishes and the anatomical traits that distinguish them.
  • Describe the anatomical and physiological adaptations that arose during the transition to life on land.
  • Explain how the body form and development of salamanders differ from those of frogs and toads.
  • List some causes of the ongoing decline in amphibian diversity.
  • Describe amniote adaptations to life on land.
  • List the two amniote lineages and the modern groups in each.
  • Compare the physiology of endotherms and ectotherms, and provide examples of each.
  • Explain how snakes are related to lizards.
  • Describe how turtle anatomy has changed over time.
  • Describe some ways that crocodilians are similar to birds.
  • Give examples of structural and physiological traits that are adaptations to flight.
  • List some functions of bird feathers.
  • Describe some ways in which bird body form varies.
  • Describe the traits unique to mammals.
  • Explain the differences among the three mammalian subgroups and provide examples of each.

Chapter 26 Human Evolution

  • Describe the traits that characterize primates.
  • Compare the bodies of an Old World monkey, a New World monkey, and an ape, giving examples of each.
  • List the types of modern nonhuman apes, and explain which of them are our closest relatives.
  • Describe some of the anatomical differences between modern humans and apes.
  • Describe the physical characteristics of early hominins and how they differ from modern humans.
  • Describe the anatomy of Homo erectus and Homo habilis.
  • Give examples of cultural traits exhibited by early humans.
  • Describe what is known about Neanderthals and about the other recently discovered members of our genus.
  • Explain the evidence that our species originated in Africa.

Chapter 27 Plant Tissues

  • Describe the two organ systems of a flowering plant.
  • Explain the functions of the three types of plant tissues.
  • List some differences between eudicots and monocots.
  • Distinguish between simple and complex plant tissues.
  • Describe the three types of simple tissues in plants.
  • Explain the function of epidermal tissue.
  • Describe plant vascular tissues and some of their functions.
  • Describe vascular bundles and their arrangement in the stems of monocots and eudicots.
  • Using appropriate examples, list some types of modified stems and explain their defining features.
  • Draw the general arrangement of tissues in a typical eudicot leaf.
  • List some of the variations in eudicot leaf structure.
  • Describe the main structural differences between the leaves of typical monocots and eudicots.
  • Compare plant primary and secondary growth.
  • Explain how roots and shoots lengthen.
  • Describe the origin of secondary growth.
  • Explain the formation of tree rings.

Chapter 28 Plant Nutrition and Transport

  • Give some examples of plant macronutrients and their sources.
  • State the difference between plant macronutrients and micronutrients.
  • Describe the components of soil and their importance for plant growth.
  • Explain two ways that soil can lose nutrients.
  • Trace the paths that water and mineral ions travel as they move from soil into a root’s vascular cylinder.
  • Explain how endodermis helps control the amounts and types of substances that enter xylem.
  • Describe the formation of mycorrhizae and root nodules, and how they benefit the organisms involved.
  • Describe the way xylem’s function arises from its structure.
  • Explain how water can move from the roots of a vascular plant to leaves that may be hundreds of feet above them.
  • Describe some plant adaptations that reduce water loss.
  • Describe the function and operation of stomata.
  • Describe the function of phloem.
  • Describe the structure of sieve tubes and the role of companion cells in their functioning.
  • Explain the steps involved in translocation of sucrose.

Chapter 29 Life Cycles of Flowering Plants

  • List the components of a complete flower and their function.
  • Describe some structural variations in flower form.
  • Using suitable examples, explain the relationship between floral traits and coevolved pollination vectors.
  • Draw the life cycle of a typical flowering plant.
  • Explain the roles of meiosis and mitosis in the life cycle of a flowering plant.
  • Explain the role of cell signaling in angiosperm sexual reproduction.
  • Compare the development of typical eudicot and monocot embryos.
  • Explain the function of seeds and how they form.
  • Explain the origin and function of fruits.
  • Using appropriate examples, list some fruit categories.
  • Explain why some seeds undergo dormancy, and give some examples of triggers for germination.
  • Describe the process of germination of a seed.
  • Compare the pattern of early growth that occurs in eudicots and monocots after germination.
  • Describe vegetative reproduction and give some examples.
  • List some of the ways that humans make use of vegetative reproduction.
  • Explain why some fruits are seedless.

Chapter 30 Communication Strategies in Plants

  • Describe the role of hormones in plants.
  • Explain why the same hormone can elicit different responses in different cells.
  • Explain auxin’s effect on growth and how it causes plant cells to enlarge.
  • Describe the unique way that auxin can move through a plant.
  • Summarize the interaction of auxin and cytokinin in apical dominance.
  • Describe the way gibberellin causes plant growth.
  • Explain gibberellin’s role in seed germination.
  • Describe in general terms the mechanism by which abscisic acid helps minimize water loss.
  • Explain feedback loops involved in ethylene synthesis.
  • Describe the role of ethylene in fruit ripening.
  • List some stimuli that cause plant parts to move.
  • Describe how plants detect and respond to gravity.
  • Give an example of a circadian rhythm in plants.
  • Explain how plants sense seasonal change, and give some examples of their responses.
  • Explain what happens when a pathogen enters a plant’s tissues.
  • Distinguish between a hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance in plants.
  • Describe one way that plants defend themselves from herbivory.

Chapter 31 Animal Tissues and Organ Systems

  • List the four types of tissue in vertebrate bodies.
  • Describe the types and locations of human body fluids.
  • Give an example of a factor that constrains the evolution of animal body plans.
  • Describe the structure and function of epithelial tissues.
  • Compare endocrine and exocrine glands.
  • Explain why epithelial tissues are especially prone to cancer.
  • Describe the structure and function of connective tissues.
  • Explain the role of collagen in connective tissue.
  • Explain the trait that defines muscle tissues.
  • List the three types of muscle tissues and their functions.
  • Explain what is meant by voluntary muscle.
  • Explain the role of nervous tissue.
  • Compare the functions of neurons and neuroglia.
  • List the organ systems in a human body, and provide a brief description of the components and function of each.
  • List the functions of human skin.
  • Describe the structure of the epidermis and dermis.
  • Explain how a hair forms.
  • Using an appropriate biological example, explain how negative feedback mechanisms contribute to homeostasis.

Chapter 32 Neural Control

  • List the three steps involved in intercellular communication.
  • Explain how a sea anemone’s nerve net differs from the nervous system of a flatworm in its structure and function.
  • Name the two functional divisions of the vertebrate nervous system, and describe how they interact.
  • Compare the three types of neurons, and explain how differences in their structure reflect their functions.
  • Describe the ion concentration gradients across the plasma membrane of a neuron at resting potential.
  • Explain how and why membrane potential changes during an action potential.
  • Describe the structure of a synapse and explain its function.
  • Explain how a neurotransmitter released by a neuron can alter the behavior of a postsynaptic cell.
  • Describe the process of synaptic integration.
  • Explain why a single neurotransmitter can have different effects on different types of cells.
  • Give examples of the ways that drugs can alter synaptic function
  • Describe the structure and location of peripheral nerves.
  • Compare functions of somatic and autonomic nerves.
  • Using several organs as examples, compare the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation.
  • Explain how cerebrospinal fluid forms and the function of the blood–brain barrier.
  • Compare the components of white matter and gray matter.
  • Describe the structure and function of the spinal cord.
  • Explain the embryonic origin of the spinal cord and brain.
  • Describe the location, function, and components of the hindbrain.
  • List the components of the forebrain and describe their functions.
  • Our capacity for language and abstract reasoning arises from the activity of the cerebral cortex.
  • Give examples of how components of the limbic system affect emotions.
  • Compare the different types of memories.
  • Describe some of the evidence that the hippocampus plays an important role in formation of long-term memories.
  • Describe methods that scientists use to study brain function.

Chapter 33 Sensory Perception

  • Using appropriate examples, describe the different types of sensory receptors.
  • Explain how the brain determines the location and intensity of a stimulus.
  • Explain what occurs during sensory adaptation.
  • Compare general senses and special senses.
  • Describe somatic sensations and how they arise.
  • Explain why visceral sensations are more difficult to localize than somatic sensations.
  • Describe the location and function of the receptors involved in the human senses of smell and taste.
  • Explain the function of pheromones.
  • Explain how perceived loudness and pitch relate to properties of sound waves.
  • Describe the components of the vertebrate outer, middle, and inner ear and explain their functions in hearing.
  • Describe the vertebrate organs of equilibrium.
  • Explain the difference between dynamic and static equilibrium.
  • List the structures light travels through to reach the photoreceptors of a human eye.
  • Describe how a human eye adjusts its focus for different distances.
  • Compare the functions of the two types of photoreceptors.

Chapter 34 Endocrine Control

  • Compare hormones and neurotransmitters.
  • Describe how hormones were discovered.
  • Compare the most common mechanisms of action of protein hormones and steroid hormones.
  • Describe the role of a second messenger.
  • Explain why mutations that alter hormone receptors can influence the response to a hormone.
  • Describe the location of the hypothalamus and its structural and functional relationship with the pituitary gland.
  • Compare the function of the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary.
  • Explain causes and symptoms of growth hormone disorders.
  • Describe how light influences the pineal gland.
  • Give examples of melatonin’s effects.
  • Describe the feedback loop that controls release of thyroid hormone.
  • Explain how diet can affect thyroid function.
  • Describe how the parathyroid gland regulates blood calcium.
  • Describe how insulin and glucagon collectively regulate the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Compare the two types of diabetes.
  • Describe the location of the adrenal glands and explain the functions of the hormones produced in each part of these glands.
  • Explain how the hormonal effects of long-term stress can contribute to poor health.
  • List the main sex hormones made by males and by females and the organs that produce those hormones.
  • Give examples of secondary sexual characteristics.

Chapter 35 Structural Support and Movement

  • Give examples of adaptations that reduce the energy animals must expend to overcome friction and gravity when moving.
  • Explain how squid locomotion differs from fish locomotion.
  • List some structural adaptations that contribute to a cheetah’s speed.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the three types of skeletons.
  • Describe how interactions between muscles and a skeleton allow a fly to flap its wings and an earthworm to burrow through soil.
  • Explain the function of the vertebrate pelvic girdle and pectoral girdle.
  • List the functions of bone.
  • Differentiate between compact bone and spongy bone.
  • Describe some factors that affect bone density.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the three types of joints.
  • Describe how muscles attach to and move bones.
  • Using a suitable example, explain how muscles work in opposition.
  • Define a sphincter and provide an example.
  • Describe the structure of a skeletal muscle.
  • Explain how interactions among filaments cause a sarcomere to shorten.
  • Draw a sarcomere in its relaxed and its contracted states.
  • Trace the pathway a signal for voluntary skeletal muscle contraction takes from the brain to a neuromuscular junction.
  • Describe how arrival of an action potential at a neuromuscular junction leads to muscle contraction.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain how variation in the number of fibers controlled by a motor unit affects muscle tension.
  • Describe the three pathways by which muscles can produce the ATP they need to contract.
  • Compare the three different types of muscle fibers.
  • Explain how prolonged inactivity harms health.

Chapter 36 Circulation

  • Using appropriate examples, explain how some animals survive without a circulatory system.
  • Describe an open circulatory system and a closed circulatory system.
  • Compare the path of blood flow in a fish and a mammal.
  • Discuss the advantages of a four-chambered heart.
  • Describe the path of blood flow through the systemic and pulmonary circuits.
  • Explain the function of the hepatic portal vein.
  • Describe the structure and location of a human heart.
  • Explain why ventricles are more muscular than atria.
  • Describe the events that occur during one cardiac cycle.
  • Compare the roles of the SA node and the AV node.
  • Explain the functions of blood.
  • List the components of plasma and describe their roles.
  • List the cellular components of blood and explain their sources.
  • Describe the process of hemostasis.
  • Describe how an artery’s structure relates to its function.
  • Explain how arterioles adjust blood flow to body regions, and describe some factors that trigger these adjustments.
  • Explain what you feel when you check a person’s pulse.
  • Describe how blood pressure varies across the systemic circuit.
  • Explain how blood pressure is measured and the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.
  • Explain why blood flow slows in capillaries.
  • Describe the mechanisms by which substances enter and leave capillaries.
  • Describe the causes and effects of blood and cardiovascular disorders.
  • Describe the components of the lymph vascular system and their functions.
  • Explain how lymph is propelled through the lymph vessels.
  • Explain the roles of lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus

Chapter 37 Immunity

  • Explain immunity in terms of antigens and receptors.
  • Describe the three lines of defense of vertebrate immunity.
  • Differentiate between innate and adaptive immunity.
  • Use examples to describe the main functions of white blood cells.
  • Use examples to explain some benefits and risks associated with microbiota.
  • Describe the body’s natural barriers and how they prevent microorganisms from enteringDescribe the role of complement in innate immunity.
  • Describe the process of inflammation.
  • Explain how fever occurs and its advantages.
  • Explain how T cell receptors recognize antigen.
  • Describe how an antibody’s structure gives rise to its function.
  • Explain the way antigen receptor diversity arises.
  • Distinguish between effector cells and memory cells.
  • Explain the four defining characteristics of adaptive immunity.
  • Describe antigen processing.
  • Describe the role of helper T cells in adaptive immune responses.
  • Describe the function of antibodies in an antibody-mediated response.
  • Explain the technique and purpose of ABO blood typing.
  • Explain why a vaccine elicits immunity.
  • Distinguish between active and passive immunization.
  • Describe a cell-mediated response and how it differs from an antibody-mediated response.
  • Name the lymphocytes that recognize ailing body cells and how the recognition occurs in each case.
  • Describe the symptoms of allergies and how they arise.
  • Using an appropriate example, explain autoimmunity.
  • Give some examples of the ways in which pathogens can evade mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity.
  • Explain immune deficiency using appropriate examples.
  • Describe the progress of a typical infection with HIV.

Chapter 38 Respiration

  • Explain why animal cells need oxygen and how they produce waste carbon dioxide.
  • Describe the properties common to all respiratory surfaces.
  • Give examples of adaptations that facilitate gas exchange.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of air and water as respiratory media.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the ways that invertebrates exchange gases with their environment.
  • Describe the countercurrent flow of blood and water across fish gills, and explain how it enhances the efficiency of gas exchange.
  • Compare the mechanisms by which frogs and mammals fill their lungs with air.
  • Explain why birds can extract more oxygen from air than mammals can.
  • List the structures that inhaled air passes through as it flows from the human nasal cavity to an alveolus.
  • Describe the location of the epiglottis, and explain its function.
  • Describe the location and structure of the human lungs.
  • List the types of muscles that contract during inhalation, passive exhalation, and forced exhalation.
  • Explain what determines the rate and depth of breathing.
  • Describe the structure of the respiratory membrane.
  • Compare transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • Describe the structure of hemoglobin and the conditions that encourage it to bind or to release oxygen.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe adaptations that facilitate respiratory function in a low-oxygen environment.
  • Explain the possible causes of apnea, and why it is dangerous.
  • Describe common respiratory disorders and their causes.
  • Describe the effects of smoking on lung health.

Chapter 39 Digestion and Nutrition

  • Explain how a sponge digests food and distributes nutrients.
  • Compare the structure of a gastrovascular cavity and a complete digestive tract, and explain the advantages of the latter.
  • Provide examples of regional specializations in a digestive tract.
  • List the components of the human digestive tract in order beginning with the mouth.
  • List the organs that secrete substances into the digestive tract and which parts of the tract receive their secretions.
  • Compare the teeth of mammalian herbivores and carnivores.
  • List the components of saliva, and describe their functions.
  • Explain the functions of the small intestine.
  • Describe the structural features that contribute to the large surface area of the small intestine.
  • List the final breakdown products of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, and explain how these products are absorbed.
  • Describe the structure and function of the large intestine.
  • Describe defecation and what triggers it.
  • Explain why the large intestine contains many microbes and the beneficial effects of these microbes.
  • Explain how the body uses the breakdown products of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  • Provide an example of a water-soluble vitamin and a fat-soluble vitamin, and explain why each is essential.
  • Give an example of an essential mineral, and its role in the body.

Chapter 40 Maintaining The Internal ENvironment

  • Explain the ways that animals gain and lose water.
  • Compare the amounts of water and energy used in the excretion of urea, uric acid, and ammonia.
  • Compare the types of excretory organs, and explain the similarity in how they function.
  • List the structures that urine travels through, from when it leaves the kidney to when it exits the body.
  • Describe the structure and function of a nephron.
  • Explain the three processes involved in urine formation.
  • Describe how urine can become more concentrated than blood.
  • Explain how hormones affect urine concentration.
  • Describe the effects of aldosterone and ADH on the kidney.
  • Explain the role of the kidney in acid–base balance.
  • Describe where and how kidney stones form.
  • Explain the causes of kidney failure and how it is treated.
  • Compare the challenges that freshwater and marine bony fishes face with regard to maintaining their solute concentration.
  • Describe the adaptations that allow desert kangaroo rats to survive without drinking water.
  • List the ways in which a body gains and loses heat.
  • Compare the thermoregulatory mechanism of endotherms and ectotherms, and give examples of each.
  • Describe the mechanisms that allow animals to maintain their core body temperature when the temperature of their environment fluctuates.

Chapter 41 Animal Reproduction

  • Using appropriate examples, describe some of the ways that animals reproduce asexually.
  • Describe the different types of hermaphrodites.
  • Compare internal and external fertilization.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the ways in which developing animal offspring are nourished.
  • Explain the function of gonads.
  • Compare the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
  • List the components of the female reproductive system, and describe their functions.
  • Describe the human ovarian cycle and menstrual cycle.
  • Explain how hormones regulate female reproductive cycles.
  • Explain what an estrous cycle is.
  • List the components of the male reproductive system, and describe their functions.
  • Describe spermatogenesis, and list the components of semen.
  • Describe the physiological changes that occur during intercourse.
  • Explain why fertilization requires more than one sperm.
  • List the components that the sperm contributes to the zygote.
  • Describe the mechanisms used to prevent pregnancy.
  • List the possible causes of infertility.
  • List common sexually transmitted diseases, their causes, and their effects.

Chapter 42 Animal Development

  • Describe what occurs during cleavage and the product of this developmental process.
  • Name the three embryonic tissue layers of vertebrate embryos, and describe the process by which they arise.
  • Give examples of the structures derived from each of the three germ layers.
  • Explain why cells of a blastula differ in their contents.
  • Describe how experimental manipulation of amphibian embryos revealed the importance of cytoplasmic localization.
  • Explain the role of selective gene expression in development.
  • Describe the process of embryonic induction, and provide an example.
  • Give an example of how cell shape changes contribute to organ formation.
  • Explain the process of apoptosis and its role in development.
  • Describe how cells can shift their position during development.
  • Give examples of factors that constrain animal body plans.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain how mutations that affect development can alter a body
  • Define how the terms embryo and fetus are used in discussing human prenatal development.
  • Explain what is meant by a premature birth, and describe the associated risks.
  • Summarize the main events of postnatal development.
  • Describe the formation and implantation of a human blastocyst.
  • Explain the function of the extra-embryonic membranes.
  • Describe the size and appearance of a human at the beginning of the fetal period.
  • Describe the developmental events of the second and third trimester.
  • Describe the structure of the placenta.
  • Explain how materials are exchanged across the placenta.
  • Describe normal childbirth, and compare it with a surgical delivery.
  • List the components of milk, and describe their functions.

Chapter 43 Animal Behavior

  • Explain the difference between proximate and ultimate causes of behavior.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain how genetic and epigenetic mechanisms can give rise to differences in behavior.
  • Compare instinctive and learned behavior.
  • Explain the circumstances that favor evolution of instinctive behavior.
  • Describe the types of learned behavior and give examples.
  • Explain the difference between a taxis and a kinesis.
  • Describe some of the ways that animals find their way when they migrate.
  • List the different types of communication signals, and give examples of each.
  • Describe some ways that predators can take advantage of prey communication systems.
  • Explain why genetic monogamy is rare among animals.
  • Give examples of female choice and male–male competition.
  • Using appropriate examples, explain some factors that determine whether parental care will evolve in a species and which parent will provide it.
  • Give examples of temporary and long-term grouping behavior.
  • List the benefits and costs of living in a group.
  • Explain the ways that altruistic behavior can evolve.
  • Describe the traits that define eusocial animals.
  • Explain what determines whether a honeybee develops as a worker or a queen.
  • Describe the social systems of honeybees, termites, and naked mole rats.

Chapter 44 Population Ecology

  • Give some examples of population demographics.
  • Describe two methods of estimating population demographic
  • Give the equation that describes exponential growth and explain what the terms in the equation mean.
  • Define biotic potential and give examples of organisms that differ in their biotic potential.
  • Using appropriate examples, compare density-dependent limiting factors with density-independent limiting factors.
  • Explain how limiting factors result in logistic growth.
  • List some factors that affect carrying capacity.
  • Explain why carrying capacity can vary over time.
  • Give some examples of life history traits.
  • Distinguish between opportunistic and equilibrial species.
  • Describe the three types of survivorship curves.
  • Explain how predators act as selective agents that affect the life history patterns of prey species.
  • Explain how the collection and analysis of life history data can help in conservation.
  • Describe the factors that allowed a rapid increase in the human population during the past 200 years.
  • Explain why replacement fertility rate varies among regions.
  • Explain how population growth is influenced by age structure.

Chapter 45 Community Ecology

  • Using appropriate examples, describe some factors that influence community structure.
  • Distinguish between the two components of species diversity.
  • Explain symbiosis and give an example.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the types of benefits that can be exchanged by partners in a mutualism.
  • Explain why mutualism is considered reciprocal exploitation.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe the two types of interspecific competition.
  • Describe the process of competitive exclusion.
  • Explain how character displacement allows resource partitioning.
  • Explain why and how predator abundance and prey abundance affect one another.
  • Give examples of evolved defenses against predation and herbivory.
  • Distinguish between the two types of mimicry
  • 7.1 – Distinguish between parasites and parasitoids.
  • 7.2 – Describe how parasites can reduce the population size of their hosts.
  • 7.3 – Using an appropriate example, explain brood parasitism.
  • 7.4 – Explain the benefits and risks of biological pest control.
  • Distinguish between primary and secondary succession.
  • Explain why the exact course of succession can be unpredictable.
  • Describe how the frequency and magnitude of disturbance influences the species richness of a community.
  • Explain how indicator species can be used to monitor the environment.

Chapter 46 Ecosystems

  • Distinguish between the producers and consumers in an ecosystem.
  • Explain how the movement of energy in an ecosystem differs from the movement of nutrients.
  • List some factors that influence primary productivity.
  • Give an example of a food chain with four trophic levels.
  • Explain what limits the length of food chains.          
  • Distinguish between the two types of food webs, and give examples of the habitats in which each predominates.
  • Explain the factors that limit the length of food chains.
  • Distinguish between gross primary production and net primary production.
  • Explain why an energy pyramid is always broadest at the bottom.
  • List the three environmental reservoirs that hold the most water.
  • Describe how water enters land food webs.
  • Explain how water movement affects the flow of nutrients.
  • Describe the ecological effects of overdrawing water from aquifers and rivers.
  • Compare the amount of carbon in Earth’s sediments, air, and oceans.
  • Describe how carbon enters marine and aquatic food webs.
  • Describe how atmospheric greenhouse gases affect the temperature of Earth’s surface.
  • Explain the causes of the ongoing increase in greenhouse gases and the effect of this increase on climate.
  • Describe the geochemical portion of the phosphorus cycle.
  • Describe how phosphorus enters food webs.

Chapter 47 The Biosphere

  • Explain why the amount of sunlight that reaches the ground varies with latitude (distance from the equator).
  • Describe how latitudinal differences in sunlight energy lead to global air circulation patterns that affect climate.
  • Explain why winds trace a curved path relative to Earth’s surface.
  • Using appropriate examples, describe how ocean currents and proximity to the ocean influence climate.
  • Explain where and why rain shadows occur.
  • Compare weather conditions during an El Niño and a La Niña.
  • Give examples of the biological effects of an El Niño.
  • Explain why geographically distant regions of a biome often contain species that have similar characteristics.
  • Describe the climate of desert biomes.
  • List some traits that adapt plants to life in the desert.
  • Describe the composition of the desert crust and explain its ecological importance.
  • Describe the dominant vegetation in grasslands and chaparral.
  • Explain the role of fire and grazers in grasslands and chaparral.
  • Describe the types of broad-leaf forest biomes.
  • Explain why tropical rainforests have high biodiversity.
  • Describe the location and composition of the boreal forest biome.
  • List some conifer adaptations to cold.
  • Describe the climate and location of arctic and alpine tundra.
  • Explain why the soil of arctic tundra contains a large amount of carbon.
  • List some of the factors that affect a lake’s primary production.
  • Describe the zonation of a lake.
  • Explain why a temperate zone lake turns over in spring and fall, and the effect that this turnover has on primary production.
  • Explain the factors that affect the oxygen content of a river.
  • Explain why estuaries are especially nutrient-rich.
  • Compare the main types of food chains on rocky and sandy shores.
  • Describe where coral reefs occur.
  • Explain what causes coral bleaching.
  • Distinguish between the pelagic and benthic provinces.
  • Describe the producers at hydrothermal vents.
  • Describe a seamount.

Chapter 48 Human Impacts on the Biosphere

  • Describe what occurs during a mass extinction.
  • Explain how human activities can lead to extinctions.
  • Explain why desertification and deforestation alter the local climate.
  • Describe how plastic in the sea harms marine organisms.
  • Compare the negative effects of acid, ammonium, and mercury deposition.
  • Explain the importance of the ozone layer.
  • List the pollutants that affect the ozone layer.
  • Describe what has been done to slow ozone layer thinning.
  • Describe some ways that individuals can help sustain biodiversity.

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