NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle



Crossword Puzzle on Cell Structure

3. structure that carries out a specialized metabolic function inside a cell.
4. of a bacterium or archaeon, region of cytoplasm where the DNA is concentrated.
5. short, hairlike structure that projects from the plasma membrane of some eukaryotic cells.
9. organelle of photosynthesis in the cells of plants and photosynthetic protists.
10. community of microorganisms living within a shared mass of secreted slime.
11. of a eukaryotic cell, organelle with a double membrane that holds the cell’s DNA.
12. a fluid-filled organelle that isolates or disposes of waste, debris, or toxic materials.
15. viscous fluid enclosed by the nuclear envelope.
16. material that strengthens cell walls of some plants.
18. a protein filament that projects from the surface of some prokaryotic cells.
19. double-membraned organelle that produces ATP by aerobic respiration in eukaryotes.
22. small circle of DNA in some bacteria and archaea.
23. enzyme-filled vesicle that breaks down amino acids, fatty acids, and toxic substances.
25. small, membrane-enclosed organelle; different kinds store, transport, or break down their contents.
26. a temporary protrusion that helps some eukaryotic cells move and engulf prey.

1. organelle of protein synthesis.
2. cell junctions that forms an open channel between the cytoplasm of adjacent plant cells.
5. semifluid substance enclosed by a cell’s plasma membrane.
6. network of interconnected protein filaments that support, organize, and move eukaryotic cells and their internal structures.
7. long, slender cellular structure used for motility.
8. one of several types of double-membraned organelles in plants and algal cells; for example, a chloroplast or amyloplast.
13. secreted covering at a body surface.
14. reinforcing cytoskeletal element that functions in cell movement; a fiber of actin subunits.
17. cytoskeletal element involved in movement; hollow filament of tubulin subunits.
20. barrel-shaped organelle from which microtubules grow.
21. in a cell nucleus, a dense, irregularly shaped region where ribosomal subunits are assembled.
24. enzyme-filled vesicle that breaks down cellular wastes and debris.

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