
The Background

It was found that the two-year gap in academic studies due to national service adversely affected the academic performance of ex-NSFs in the universities. To remediate the undesirable consequences, MinDef (MHA joined the scheme later) launched the NS e-PREP Scheme in 2003 to provide preparatory and refresher courses for NSFs to better prepare for their university studies. IHLs in Singapore were approached to develop and conduct such courses. NTU, SP, and NP responded. 

Since not all NSFs proceeded to university studies, skill-based courses were also made available for NSFs to better prepare for the workplace. ITE and private course providers conducted the skill-based courses. Each NSF was granted $350 credits to help pay for the e-PREP courses. The scheme was administered by a private contractor.

In the early days, there was great enthusiasm by the contractor, MinDef and MHA to promote the e-PREP scheme at the various army camps and MHA grounds.  Due to financial considerations those roadshows have been replaced by mass career and education fairs with no attention paid to university preparation courses even though more than half the NSFs would proceed to universities!

 Introduction of SkillsFuture@NS Scheme

SkillsFuture@NS is a new scheme that is replacing the NS e-PREP Scheme.  NSFs will register for courses at the SF@NS LXP (SkillsFuture@NS Learning Experience Platform) instead of at the NS portal. 


SF@NS rides on the NTUC’s SkillsFuture LXP which was set up strictly for skill training and not for academic studies. Those university preparation courses by the various IHLs in Singapore previously available under the NS e-PREP Scheme are also available in SF@NS LXP. They are not available in the normal NTUC’s LXP.

Activation and Course Registration

SF@NS LXP account can be activated at anytime during their NS and their accounts will be valid for two years but it is recommended that they register as soon as possible so that they can make full use of the time to prepare for their studies or workplace.

Significant Advantage of SkillsFuture@NS to NSFs

The major significant advantage of the new scheme to the NSFs is that they are now able to sign up for any number of courses. This is on top of the fact that those academic courses by the IHLs in Singapore previously available under the NS e-PREP Scheme are still available here.

Please feel free to contact us for consultation  
Mail: PaCE@NTU
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