NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle


Crossword Puzzle on Fungi in NS Life Science ePrep course

1. a mass of fungal hyphae that grows rapidly over organic material and produces spores asexually.
4. fungus with flagellated spores.
7. mutually beneficial partnership between a fungus and a plant root.
9. fungi that partner with plant roots; their hyphae grow inside the cell walls of root cells.
11. mass of threadlike filaments (hyphae) that make up the body of a multicelled fungus.

2. composite organism consisting of a fungus and green algae or cyanobacteria.
3. having two genetically distinct nuclei (n + n).
5. one filament in a fungal mycelium.
6. single-celled or multicellular eukaryotic heterotroph that digests food outside the body, then absorbs the resulting breakdown products. Has chitin-containing cell walls.
8. heterotroph that feeds on organic remains by breaking them down into smaller, absorbable subunits.
10. single-celled fungus.

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