NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle

Plant Nutrition and Transport

Crossword Puzzle on Plant Nutrition and Transport in NS Life Science

1. region of plant tissue where sugars are being used or put into storage.
3. living cells that compose sugar-conducting sieve tubes of phloem. Each sieve tube consists of a stack of sieve elements that meet end to end at sieve plates.
6. in phloem, cell that provides metabolic support to its partnered sieve element.
9. waxy, waterproof band that seals abutting cell walls of root endodermal cells.
10. of some plant roots, swellings that contain mutualistic nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
11. tapered cells of xylem that die when mature; their interconnected, pitted walls remain and form water-conducting tubes.
14. uppermost soil layer; contains the most organic matter and nutrients for plant growth.

1. region of a plant tissue where sugars are being produced or released from storage.
2. of xylem, cells that form in stacks and die when mature; their pitted walls remain to form water-conducting tubes. Each tube consists of a stack of vessel elements that meet end to end at perforation plates.
4. loss of soil under the force of wind and water.
5. process by which water moving through soil removes nutrients from it.
7. movement of organic compounds through phloem.
8. evaporation of water from aboveground plant parts.
12. partially decayed organic matter in soil.
13. sugar-conducting tube of phloem; consists of stacked sieve elements.
15. soil with roughly equal amounts of sand, silt, and clay.

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