NS ePrep Course – Life Science

Crossword Puzzle

Flowering Plant Reproduction

Crossword Puzzle on Flowering Plant Reproduction in NS Life Science ePrep course

1. floral reproductive organ that produces the female gametophyte; consists of an ovary, stigma, and usually a style.
2. part of the stamen that produces pollen grains.
4. an animal pollination vector.
7. of seed plants, haploid spore that forms in an ovule and gives rise to an egg-producing gametophyte.
9. to resume metabolic activity after dormancy.
10. period of temporarily suspended metabolism.
12. stimulation of flowering in spring by long exposure to low temperature in winter.
15. in flowering plants, the enlarged base of a carpel, inside which one or more ovules form.
19. biological response to seasonal changes in the relative lengths of day and night.
20. in monocots, a rigid sheath that protects the plumule (embryonic shoot).
23. directional response to light.
24. of a seed-bearing plant, the part of the carpal where the female gametophyte forms.
25. nutritive tissue in the seeds of flowering plants.
27. plant hormone that causes cell enlargment; also has a central role in growth and development by coordinating the effects of other hormones.

1. plant hormone that promotes cell division in shoot apical meristem and cell differentiation in root apical meristem. Often opposes auxin’s effects.
3. the arrival of pollen on a pollen-receiving reproductive part of a seed plant.
5. plant hormone that induces stem elongation; also helps seeds break dormancy.
6. gaseous plant hormone that participates in germination, abscission, ripening, and stress responses.
8. directional response to gravity.
11. process by which plant parts are shed.
13. in plants, growth in a direction influenced by contact.
14. floral reproductive organ that consists of an anther and, in most species, a filament.
16. specialized reproductive structure of an angiosperm.
17. of seed plants, haploid spore that gives rise to a pollen grain.
18. sweet fluid exuded by some flowers; rewards pollinators.
21. a light-sensitive pigment that helps set plant circadian rhythms based on length of night.
22. a directional movement toward or away from a stimulus that triggers it.
26. upper part of a carpel; adapted to receive pollen.

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